FoundX Code of Conduct / 行動規範

FoundX is an association, not a community. The heart of FoundX is people with purposes related to startups, not people without purposes.

FoundXはコミュニティではなくアソシエーションです。FoundX の中心にあるのは、特定の目的を持ったスタートアップに関係する人々であり、目的なきコミュニティではありません。

We put people first and do our best to recognize, appreciate and respect the diversity of our global contributors. The FoundX welcome contributions from everyone who shares our goals and want to contribute in a healthy and constructive manner within our association. As such, we have adopted this code of conduct and require all those who participate to agree and adhere to these Association Participation Guidelines in order to help us create a safe and positive community experience for all.


These guidelines aim to support a community where all people should feel safe to participate, introduce new ideas and inspire others, regardless of:


  • Background / バックグラウンド
  • Family status / 家族のステータス
  • Gender / ジェンダー
  • Gender identity or expression / ジェンダーアイデンティティや表現
  • Marital status / 配偶者の有無
  • Sex / 性別
  • Sexual orientation / 性的志向
  • Native language / 母国語
  • Age / 年齢
  • Ability / 能力
  • Race and/or ethnicity / 人種およびまたは民族
  • National origin / 出身国
  • Socioeconomic status / 社会経済的地位
  • Religion / 宗教
  • Geographic location / 地理的位置
  • Any other dimension of diversity / 多様性のそのほかの側面

Openness, collaboration, and participation are core aspects of our work. We gain strength from diversity and actively seek participation from those who enhance it. These guidelines exist to enable diverse individuals and groups to interact and collaborate to mutual advantage. This document outlines both expected and prohibited behavior.


Scope / スコープ

These guidelines outline our behavior expectations as members of the FoundX association in all FoundX activities, both offline and online. Your participation is contingent upon following these guidelines in all FoundX activities, including but not limited to:


  • Working in FoundX spaces. / FoundXスペースでの作業の際
  • Working with other FoundX and other FoundX community participants virtually or co-located. / 他のFoundXおよび他のFoundXコミュニティ参加者とバーチャルまたは共同で作業の際
  • Representing FoundX at public events. / 公開イベントでFoundXを代表する際
  • Representing FoundX in social media (official accounts, staff accounts, personal accounts, Facebook pages). / ソーシャルメディア(公式アカウント、スタッフアカウント、個人アカウント、Facebookページ)でFoundXを代表する際
  • Participating in FoundX offsites and trainings. / FoundXオフサイトおよびトレーニングの参加の際
  • Participating in FoundX-related forums, mailing lists, wikis, websites, chat channels, bugs, group or person-to-person meetings, and FoundX-related correspondence. / FoundX関連のフォーラム、メーリングリスト、wiki、ウェブサイト、チャットチャンネル、バグ、グループまたは個人間の会議、FoundX関連のコミュニケーションに参加する際

These guidelines work in conjunction with our Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policies.


While these guidelines/code of conduct are specifically aimed at FoundX’s work and community, we recognize that it is possible for actions taken outside of FoundX’s online or in-person spaces to have a deep impact on community health. This is an active topic in the diversity and inclusion realm. We anticipate wide-ranging discussions among our communities about appropriate boundaries.


Our Standards: Expected Behavior / 標準的な考え方と期待される行動

The following behaviors are expected of all stakeholders:


  • Be friendly, patient and welcoming. We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion and mental and physical ability.
  • Be considerate. Our program is not only for you but also for other users. Any decision we take will affect users and colleagues, and we should take those consequences into account when making decisions.
  • Be nice. Please be courteous, respectful and polite to fellow community members.
  • Be fair. Please use a philosophical tool of the veil of ignorance. If you don’t know anything about the situation, about you, and about other people, how do you can respond to the situation? This thought test would induce our fairness.
  • Be transparent. Please do not use “Ping” as possible as you can. If a ping is used and we decided something in Ping, other people cannot understand why something happens.
  • Be respectful. Value each other’s ideas, styles and viewpoints. We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor manners. Be open to different possibilities and to being wrong. Be kind in all interactions and communications, especially when debating the merits of different options. Be aware of your impact and how intense interactions may be affecting people. Be direct, constructive and positive. Take responsibility for your impact and your mistakes – if someone says they have been harmed through your words or actions, listen carefully, apologize sincerely, and correct the behavior going forward.
    リスペクトしましょう。 互いのアイデア、スタイル、視点を大切にしてください。私たちはいつも同意するとは限りませんが、意見の不一致はマナーが悪いことの言い訳にはなりません。さまざまな可能性と間違っていることにオープンでいましょう。特にさまざまなオプションのメリットを議論するときは、すべてのやり取りとコミュニケーションに親切にしてください。あなたの影響と、激しい相互作用が人々にどのような影響を与える可能性があるかに注意してください。直接的で建設的かつ前向きであること。あなたの影響と間違いに責任を持ちます。誰かがあなたの言葉や行動によって傷つけられたと言ったら、注意深く耳を傾け、心から謝罪し、今後の行動を修正しするようにしましょう。
  • Be inclusive. Seek diverse perspectives. Diversity of views and of people on teams powers innovation, even if it is not always comfortable. Encourage all voices. Help new perspectives be heard and listen actively. If you find yourself dominating a discussion, it is especially important to step back and encourage other voices to join in. Be aware of how much time is taken up by dominant members of the group. Provide alternative ways to contribute or participate when possible. Be inclusive of everyone in an interaction, respecting and facilitating people’s participation whether they are:
    包摂的でいましょう。 多様な視点を求めましょう。それは常に快適であるとは限りませんが、意見やチームの人々の多様性がイノベーションを促進することにつながります。すべての声を奨励してください。新しい視点を聞き、積極的に聞くのを助けましょう。議論を支配していることに気付いた場合、他の声に参加するように後戻りして奨励することが特に重要です。可能な場合、貢献または参加するための代替方法を提供します。相互作用に参加するすべての人を包摂し、次のような人々の参加を尊重し、促進します。
    • Remote (on video or phone) / リモート(ビデオまたは電話)の人たち
    • Not native language speakers / 母国語ではない人たち
    • Coming from a different culture / 異なる文化から来る人たち
    • Using pronouns other than “he” or “she” / 「彼」または「彼女」以外の代名詞の使用
    • Living in a different time zone / 別のタイムゾーンに住んでいる人たち
    • Facing other challenges to participate / 参加に課題を感じるほかの人たち
  • Understand different perspectives. Our goal should not be to “win” every disagreement or argument. A more productive goal is to be open to ideas that make our own ideas better. Strive to be an example for inclusive thinking. “Winning” is when different perspectives make our work richer and stronger.
  • Appreciate and accommodate our similarities and differences. FoundXers come from many cultures and backgrounds. Cultural differences can encompass everything from official religious observances to personal habits to clothing. Be respectful of people with different cultural practices, attitudes and beliefs. Work to eliminate your own biases, prejudices and discriminatory practices. Think of others’ needs from their point of view. Use preferred titles (including pronouns) and the appropriate tone of voice. Respect people’s right to privacy and confidentiality. Be open to learning from and educating others as well as educating yourself; it is unrealistic to expect FoundXers to know the cultural practices of every ethnic and cultural group, but everyone needs to recognize one’s native culture is only part of positive interactions.
    類似点と相違点を認め、対応しましょう。 FoundXers は多くの文化や背景から来ています。文化の違いは、公式の宗教的儀式から個人的な習慣から衣服まで、すべてを含むことができます。異なる文化的慣習、態度、信念を持つ人々を尊重します。あなた自身の偏見、偏見、差別的な慣行を排除するために働きます。他の人のニーズを彼らの観点から考えてください。優先タイトル(代名詞を含む)と適切な声調を使用します。プライバシーと機密性に対する人々の権利を尊重します。他の人から学び、他の人に教育し、自分自身を教育することにオープンであること。FoundX に関わる人がすべての民族および文化グループの文化的慣行を知ることを期待するのは非現実的ですが、誰もが自国の文化が肯定的な相互作用の一部にすぎないことを認識する必要があります。
  • When we disagree, try to understand why. Disagreements, both social and technical, happen all the time and the FoundX community is no exception. It is important that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively. Remember that we’re different. The strength of the FoundX community comes from its varied community, people from a wide range of backgrounds. Different people have different perspectives on issues. Being unable to understand why someone holds a viewpoint doesn’t mean that they’re wrong. Focus on helping to resolve issues and learning from mistakes. It is important that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively and with the help of the community and community processes. We have a series of governance bodies which help to guide the right course for projects managed by the FoundX. When our goals differ dramatically, we encourage the creation of alternative implementations, so that the community can test new ideas and contribute to the discussion.
    同意しない場合は、理由を理解しましょう。 社会的および技術的な意見の不一致は常に発生し、FoundXアソシエーションも例外ではありません。意見の相違や意見の相違を建設的に解決することが重要です。私たちは違うことを忘れないでください。FoundXアソシエーションの強みは、さまざまな背景を持つさまざまなアソシエーションの集合体である、という点にあります。人によって問題の見方は異なります。誰かが視点を持っている理由を理解できないということは、彼らが間違っているという意味ではありません。問題の解決を支援し、間違いから学ぶことに焦点を当てます。意見の相違や意見の相違を建設的に、またアソシエーションとアソシエーションの定めたプロセスの助けを借りて解決することが重要です。FoundXが管理するプロジェクトに適切なコースを導くのに役立つ一連のガバナンス機関があります。私たちの目標が根本的に異なるとき、私たちは別の組織を作ることを推奨します。
  • When we are unsure, we ask for help. Nobody knows everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect in the FoundX community. Asking questions avoids many problems down the road, and so questions are encouraged. Those who are asked questions should be responsive and helpful. However, when asking a question, care must be taken to do so in an appropriate way.

Behavior That Will Not Be Tolerated / 許容されない行動

The following behaviors are considered to be unacceptable under these guidelines.


  • Violence and Threats of Violence. Violence and threats of violence are not acceptable - online or offline. This includes incitement of violence toward any individual, including encouraging a person to commit self-harm. This also includes posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxxing”) online.
  • Personal Attacks. Conflicts will inevitably arise, but frustration should never turn into a personal attack. It is not okay to insult, demean or belittle others. Attacking someone for their opinions, beliefs and ideas is not acceptable. It is important to speak directly when we disagree and when we think we need to improve, but such discussions must be conducted respectfully and professionally, remaining focused on the issue at hand.
  • Derogatory Language. Hurtful or harmful language is not acceptable. This includes deliberately referring to someone by a gender that they do not identify with, and/or questioning the legitimacy of an individual’s gender identity. If you’re unsure if a word is derogatory, don’t use it. This also includes repeated subtle and/or indirect discrimination; when asked to stop, stop the behavior in question.
  • Unwelcome Sexual Attention or Physical Contact. Unwelcome sexual attention or unwelcome physical contact is not acceptable. This includes sexualized comments, jokes or imagery in interactions, communications or presentation materials, as well as inappropriate touching, groping, or sexual advances. This includes touching a person without permission, including sensitive areas such as their hair, pregnant stomach, mobility device (wheelchair, scooter, etc) or tattoos. This also includes physically blocking or intimidating another person. Physical contact or simulated physical contact (such as emojis like “kiss”) without affirmative consent is not acceptable. This includes sharing or distribution of sexualized images or text.
  • Disruptive Behavior. Sustained disruption of events, forums, or meetings, including talks and presentations, will not be tolerated.
  • Excessive Demand. It is unacceptable to make excessive demands on the program or the people involved in the community of mutual support.
  • Influencing Unacceptable Behavior. We will treat influencing or leading such activities the same way we treat the activities themselves, and thus the same consequences apply.

Voices That Will Be Warned / 注意される発言

The following statements, whether made to a specific individual or to an unspecified people, will be considered unacceptable in FoundX.

次のような発言は、特定個人に対してのものであれ、不特定多数に対するものであれ、FoundXに関わる人たちを不必要に不快に指せる可能性が高いため、FoundX では受け入れられないものと見なされます。

  • Sexism, raisim, and other bias. Unnecessary statements about gender or race are subject to caution.
  • Sexism, lookism, agism, raisim, and other bias. Unnecessary comments about appearance or age are subject to caution. (These statements can be considered harassment, even if they are compliments. For example, “You’re young but know a lot.”)
  • Mansplaining, tone policing, and other bias. Mansplaining (supercilious explanations given mainly by men to women) and excessive tone policing (criticism of speech and attitude) are behaviors that indicate bias and should be given caution.
  • Nationality. Unnecessary comments about nationality are subject to caution.

Staff Responsibilities

Following and conducting our guideline is


  • We strive to be fair.
  • We strive to be forthright.
  • We strive to be transparent.
  • We strive to explain the objective.
  • 私たちは公平になるよう努めています。
  • 私たちは率直になるよう努めています。
  • 私たちは透明になるよう努めています。
  • 目的の説明に努めています。

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior / 容認できない行動の結果

Bad behavior from any FoundXers, including those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. Intentional efforts to exclude people (except as part of a consequence of the guidelines or other official action) from FoundX activities are not acceptable and will be dealt with appropriately.


Reports of harassment/discrimination will be promptly and thoroughly investigated by the people responsible for the safety of the space, event or activity. Appropriate measures will be taken to address the situation.


Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. Violation of these guidelines can result in you being ask to leave an event or online space, either temporarily or for the duration of the event, or being banned from participation in spaces, or future events and activities in perpetuity.


FoundX Staff is held accountable, in addition to these guidelines, to FoundX’s staff Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policies. FoundX staff in violation of these guidelines may be subject to further consequences, such as disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. For Xers, violation of these guidelines may affect continuation or renewal.


In addition, any participants who abuse the reporting process will be considered to be in violation of these guidelines and subject to the same consequences. False reporting, especially to retaliate or exclude, will not be accepted or tolerated.



If you believe you’re experiencing unacceptable behavior that will not be tolerated as outlined above, please email [email protected].

上記のような容認されない容認できない行動を経験していると思われる場合は、[email protected] にメールしてください。

After receiving a concise description of your situation, they will review and determine next steps. In addition to conducting any investigation, they can provide a range of resources, from a private consultation to other community resources. They will involve other colleagues or outside specialists (such as legal counsel), as needed to appropriately address each situation.


Please also report to us if you observe a potentially dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of these guidelines, even if the situation is not happening to you.


If you feel you have been unfairly accused of violating these guidelines, please follow the same reporting process.


License and Attribution

FoundX Association Participation Guideline is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. Our Code of Conduct was inspired by and borrows content from Codes of Conduct of other open source projects, including:

FoundX Association参加ガイドラインは、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0ライセンスの下でライセンスされています。私たちの行動規範は、以下を含む他のオープンソースプロジェクトの行動規範に触発され、その内容を借用しています。